
Monitor * Measure * Analyze * Alert

Availability Calendars

One of the features for PolyMon 2.x will be Availability Calendars for Operators. Essentially this will allow the creation of custom calendars for each operator where their Available/Non-Available times will be specified.

Alerting will then alert and escalate, based on these and other settings. So, if someone is say off for a week, their calendar can easily be updated to reflect that they are not available during these times. If alerts are triggered an unavailable operator would then be taken out of the alert/escalation mix.

The ON/OFF calendars will be set up the following way:
  • Master Record: Define a Calendar master record which contains:
    • Calendar ID
    • Calendar Name
    • Calendar Time Zone
    • On/Off Precedence - this is used in overrides when conflicting ON/OFF settings are found. This will determine whether ON or OFF should take precedence.
  • Base Calendar Times: Specify On times for any day of the week (possibly multiple times per day of week, possibly even overlapping - for example, M-1am-6am, 4pm-6pm, T-All day, etc). Any time that is not ON is considered OFF.
  • Overrides: The base calendar defined above can then be overridden as in one of two ways (with any conflicting ON/OFF settings resolved using the On/Off precedence setting of the calendar):
    • Recurrence Override: Defines a recurrence scheme based on a Start Date + Every N Days. Can specify whether the override is ON/OFF.Can be multiple and overlapping.
    • Specific Override: Defines an ON/OFF setting for specific dates and times. Can be multiple and overlapping.
A resulting ON/OFF status is then determined by applying overrides to the base times (resolving any conflicts using the On/Off precedence setting).

All date time values specified in calendar settings are in the local time zone specified in the calendar master record. However, all times will be handled internally by PolyMon in UTC.

The sql script to generate the tables and associated functions are available here. Note that you will also need the DOW and Time Zone schemas/functions as well to use these.


Anonymous said...

Hey there! Is this Project still alive and will there be a new Version in the future?

Greets from Germany

Kiquenet said...

any updates now in 2016 ? dead Project ?

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